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Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams:

These teams are responsible for locating and rescuing people who are trapped or in danger during a disaster. They work to locate and extract people from collapsed buildings, flooded areas, and other hazardous situations.

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Medical Response Teams:

These teams are responsible for providing medical assistance to those affected by a disaster. They may include paramedics, nurses, and doctors who provide emergency medical care and treatment to the injured.

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Firefighters are responsible for extinguishing fires that may occur as a result of a disaster. They also work to prevent fires from spreading and causing further damage.

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Law Enforcement Teams:

These teams are responsible for maintaining law and order during a disaster. They may assist with evacuations, control crowds, and ensure the safety of affected individuals.

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Disaster Recovery Teams:

These teams are responsible for helping communities recover from a disaster. They may assist with rebuilding homes and infrastructure, provide support services to affected individuals and families, and coordinate with other relief agencies to ensure a comprehensive response to the disaster.

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Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Teams:

These teams are responsible for responding to incidents involving hazardous materials. They may be called upon to handle chemical spills, nuclear accidents, or other incidents that pose a threat to public safety.